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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Professional attitude of Indonesian Teachers in Education

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Education is a process of interaction between teachers (educators) and learners (students) to achieve educational goals that have been determined. Educators, learners and educational purposes are the major component of education. These three elements form a triangle, which if lost one of them is missing also the essence of education.

Educating is the work of someone who is professional. Therefore, teacher education as the main perpetrator must be a professional educator. However, a professional educator must have a professional attitude as well. Teachers as professional educators have a good image in society if it can demonstrate to society that a teacher and role model worthy of being a role model of society around him. People will see the daily life of a teacher, ranging from how to dress, talk and the way these teachers in improving their knowledge.

Currently, in this century is known as the century of knowledge. Knowledge will be the primary basis in all aspects of life. Teachers are very instrumental in the development of knowledge. Century knowledge era demands more complex and challenging. An era, related to the certain specification of great effects on education. Nasanius (1998) revealed that the deterioration of education is not caused by the curriculum, but by the lack of professional attitude and the reluctance of teachers to learn students.

Professional attitude are not enough teachers, especially in the fields of science and ethics, especially in terms of ethics can be seen from the news that bloom about a teacher whose amoral attitude toward the students. Indeed, the number of educators in quantitative but there's enough quality and attitude of professionalism is still not as expected. Many of them are not qualified and how to deliver material that was wrong so they are unable or less able to present and implement a truly educational quality.

Many factors cause a lack of professionalism of teachers so that the government is attempting to teachers who perform in the century of knowledge are teachers who really professional and able to anticipate the challenges in education. Due to the time that this happens a lot of changes that affect the values in various aspects of lifestyle patterns and the community, both in villages and cities, until finally, in turn, all that would affect patterns of education. In conjunction with this education is challenged to be able to prepare professional education personnel as human resources capable of facing global challenges related to education, of course, in this case, including preparing a teacher who has a professional attitude.

Attitude is a mental experiment that looked in deed and glide easily without need of thought and consideration. Teachers as professional educators have a good image in society if it can demonstrate to the public that teachers deserve to be a role model or a model of society around him. Although all teachers are always observed the behavior of society but the attitude or behavior of the teacher who most attention is the attitude of how teachers are to understand, appreciate and practice the skills and attitudes of professional attitude.

The target is a teacher professional attitude towards:
a. Legislation.
b. Professional organizations
c. Socialization among teachers.
d. Protege.
e. Workplace
f. Leader
g. Jobs.

The attitude of supporting the smooth professionalism of teachers as a teacher in executing its duties is influenced by two major factors, namely:
a. internal factors include the interests and talents.
b. external factors related with the environment, infrastructure and various exercises by teacher.

Professional attitudes of teachers is teacher response to the dimensions, which determine the expertise of teacher professionalism, proficiency, competence and meet quality standards in order to improve the quality of children of the nation. In promoting and developing the professional attitude that educators local governments to provide support as assigned the government and the local government shall provide the budget to increase the professionalism and dedication of teachers in educational unit organized by the government, local government / or the community.

Display professional teacher behavior according Zamroni (2006) in the future include:
a. Show ability in the form of acts or behavior (performance) rather than just words.
b. Working on the basis of professional duties for the benefit and satisfaction of learners.
c. Committed as members of professional organizations to enhance their professional capabilities.
d. Develop strategies and methods used in doing the job according to his profession.

In improving the professionalism of a teacher must have the following characteristics:
a. competence as a learning agent that includes pedagogic competence, professional ethics and social competence.
b. S1 degree
c. have the capacity to work independently
d. emphasis on learners
e. have a code of ethics
f. has a reward system.

Principle that all people who can teach and children can be smart when they have pushed the performance of teachers teaching impressed not optimal. The result of the upgrading of teachers has yet to show their power differently than those who did not follow the upgrading. Here there is no control on the result of the upgrading despite having spent a lot of cost. The paradigm of this kind need to be changed because not everyone can be taught with a professional attitude of the teaching is good and right.

Professional attitudes of teachers have an important role to prepare this generation has emotional intelligence empowerment and high-skill and master mega solid. In the century of knowledge of teachers as professionals are faced with the challenge to produce human resources (students) who qualified in the face of various challenges and demands that are competitive.

Attitude is a professional teacher is a positive attitude towards professional and teacher behavior or teacher-effective ideal. The components that became the teaching professional attitude can be seen in the following components:

a. Intellectual components, namely: ready to face task, healthy minds and the mastery of the material.
b. Moral component, namely: watery face clearly, patient, earnestly perform their duties, the sound is clear and bright, the eyes are always alert and dignified.
c. Physical components, namely: a healthy body and physical strength, cleanliness and neatness.

According Hamacheek (1969); effective teachers apparently are teachers who have the attitude of "humane", as have a sense of humor, fair, interesting, more democratic than autocratic and able to communicate easily and naturally to the students, either individually or in groups. The attitude of teachers who are not understanding and less able to adapt to certain conditions and lack of integration led to lack of effectiveness of learning processes.
Good teaching is not just a matter of techniques and methodology of studying. To maintain classroom discipline and to maintain the stability of the learning process needs the appropriate attitude. Teachers tend to argue that education is the heir to the cultural, social responsibility and special teaching materials. Therefore, also a teacher needs to develop the values and personal attitudes are good.

Professional attitude and moral standards should be held every individual involved in education, especially teachers. This is important because the relational patterns among individuals in educational institutions are not immune from the elements of power. Without a professional attitude and moral standards will take place in private attitude to take advantage. The teachers may behave in a professional if these teachers have the ability and motivation. The attitudes of teachers who are highly committed are usually high also in giving attention to students, as well as time and effort given to improving the quality of education.

Of course professionalism teacher attitudes are very influential in education because a teacher does not only produce the character of cognitive science and not merely the character is also only applicable and practical use alone but also lead people to plant the human values manifested in behavior and real value -the value minds of daily behavior. Therefore, the attitude of a teacher needs to be considered because he is also a role model for learners.

Real forms of behavior and attitude full of refinement it is strategically more important than the long-term and temporary split second-oriented, problem solving and improvement of living standards and emphasis on morality and ethics. That is a teacher who acted in accordance with the rules and mechanisms that have been specified.

A teacher will be seen successfully sodium absorption ratio simply because their students achieve high scores in exams. Test scores were only a small part of the measures of success. Moreover, recent research shows that IQ plays only 20% support a person's success, 80% instead of EQ and SQ that support a person's success. Surely only a teacher who not only an intellectually brilliant are reliable, but also a teacher who has a professional attitude that good teaching will result in the characters of the students who achieve success balance between IQ, EQ and SQ. Examples of some professional attitudes of teachers are knowledgeable, have a certain view of distant future (visionary), have a sense of confidence and high self-esteem, so it can be a role model who aspired to the interests of the people, nation and state.

Attitudes expected of course demands a paradigm shift, orientation, approach way of thinking, and creative attitude, and not fragmentary, systemic, pervasive and fundamental to achieving educational goals. The process of internalization through the attitudes of teachers will be more meaningful if conducted in a democratic atmosphere of school life, honest and open. This is because the values of the socialization process that requires regular and continuous process carried out in discipline and requires a concrete example in the implementation, especially the example of the teacher in daily school life.


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